She was like a typhoon. One that carelessly disturbed the season he had been quietly living through. “Nothing good will come from associating with me.” “Why? Because of the rumours about you? I don’t care about them.” Should I protect her, or break her? The night I spent agonising over those innumerable impulses repeated itself after 13 years. It was because of her, whose firsts I wanted to remember. “A man who runs away after only taking a kiss?” “The one… who ran away first was you.” So you didn’t like it? As she looked into my eyes and provoked me with that throat of hers, I would have rather bit and shred it to pieces. “You… You’re good at driving people insane.” She wasn’t something he could avoid in the first place. That was who ‘Yun Junyoung’ was to him.
Just Twilight
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