In a world where humans with extraordinary abilities, known as Espers, coexist with monstrous Mutated Beasts, Zhang Ping beats the odds and awakens to his own unique power. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humor. His ability is deemed utterly useless, a cruel joke in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Refusing to accept a life of mediocrity, Zhang Ping makes a choice that would send chills down the spines of even the most seasoned Espers. He swallows a Contract Gem – a mystical artifact capable of binding a creature’s very essence to another’s will. But Zhang Ping isn’t binding himself to some fearsome beast… He’s making a contract with himself – becoming his own summon! And with that single, audacious act, the world cracks wide open. Limitless power, a breathtaking menagerie of Mutated Beasts, treacherous parallel dimensions… Anything is possible.
I Contracted Myself manhwa
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